
Customize Management Systems to Cut Costs and Deliver Client Services

How SowLabs helped cut management costs while simultaneously increasing company competency

With coaches and clients around the world, the success of Jason Drees Coaching relies on accurately monitoring and easily managing countless moving parts, such as tracking coaching time, assigning new client contracts, and analyzing client engagement, just to name a few. Though they were using a platform that was simply adequate, they could no longer justify its exorbitant cost ($6 per client per month with hundreds of clients). Ready to get more value, JDC brought in SowLabs to help retain the best parts of their current client portal at a better price point.

By uncovering and addressing a variety of both common and company specific challenges, SowLabs was able to help JDC improve financial management, gain comprehensive data insights, streamline operations, and ultimately enhance overall client experience. JDC came to Nourish & Sow wanting to cut costs. The result was a management system overhaul that accomplished much more and continues to deliver.




Let’s take business management to the next level

Are there parts of your management system that could be delivering more? Can you easily access accurate financial and analytics reports? Book a call with Nourish & Sow to see where you can improve practices while possibly saving money.

Let our SowLabs technology experts customize a business management system that fits your needs and moves beyond the status quo. You have the vision. We have the experience to help build the infrastructure needed to make it a reality.